Zehava Bali Enterprise Agency adalah pertama yang saya hubungi saat mencari hunian di area Bali, tepatnya di area Dalung-Buduk. Agency ini sangat membantu sekali untuk saya dan suami, karena fast respons, dan pada akhirnya saya mendapatkan hunian yang kami inginkan. Rumah yang kami huni sekarang merupakan rumah yang sesuai dengan kriteria yang kami inginkan. Saya dan suami pun sangat senang dan nyaman dengan rumah yang kami sewa ini. Terima kasih banyak untuk Zehava Bali Enterprise karena telah membantu merealisasikan rumah sewa hunian untuk saya dan suami.
by Dede & Akis From Jakarta

TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN This letter is to confirm that i have dealt with Meli Zehava for the past 2 year, we have a very good working relationship which easily developed into a friendship. Her work ethics is outstanding. She thrives on punctuality, honesty and making the client her utmost priority. Meli is very reliable and makes an assertive effort to listen to the clients needs and does not waste clients time. Her paperwork is impeccable and easily understandable, She deals accurately with payments and payments are on time. I am and will always be using Meli assistance in the future. I recommend her as she is very professional. Thanking you
by Soeraya From Cape Town, South Africa

Ms. Meli helps a lot in our daily life in this beautiful villa with her warm heart. She solved a lot of problems for us, as a foreigner in Bali, I really appreciate her sister like caring and help ^^
by Razi From China

Meli.. Saya puas dengan cara kerja kamu yang fokus dan professional sebagai agent, thank you for bringing the guests for my villa.
by Liza From Jakarta

One day walking along the mushroom trip guided by the call of the sunrise, my beautiful gift and this noble monkey happened upon a lonely Chateau at the end of the crossroads of Tumbak Bayuh Satu. We glanced over it's bare frame and limitless potential and thought to ourselves this was a home we would gladly call our own. Fast forward, 3 months later, my gift and I in desperate need of relocation, drifted to Facebook in search of our next abode. As the fates would have it lovely agent who we found online led us to the very home we saw on that destined sunrise. Meli found us the house of our dreams!! She helped 2 foreigners with zero expertise negotiate a long term contract, find an electrician, a plumber and so much more. She became more than an agent she became a friend. We are so grateful you found us and We are so grateful for you. Thank you for all you've done for us. Your kindness and Your patience. Anyone would be lucky to have you as an agent and Anyone would be blessed to have you as a friend.
by Edgar & Elina From New York, USA

1 Tahun sudah kerjasama dengan kamu Meli,, kalau boleh di katakan kamu memang orang yang bertanggung jawab dan baik, saya akan terus menggunakan jasanya dan saya tidak pernah merasa kecewa bekerja sama dengannya. You are amazing Meli ^^
by Kadek Ardianta From Bali

She is an incredible person. She found us our dream home and went above an beyond what anybody has ever done for me in terms of helping me find a house to rent. She is still helping us with random things here and there and is always reaching out asking if need anything. If you are looking to rent a home here in Bali, look no further as she is the best. I'd recommend her to my family and friends and I don't do that very often. Thank you so much for helping me and my wife transition from living in the United States to the island of gods.
by Ian & Bailee From Nevada, USA

Selama saya memakai jasanya sudah hampir 2 tahun ini, Meli itu orangnya baik, pintar dan tepat waktu kalau diajak janjian. Saya akan terus menggunakan jasanya dan senang bekerjasama dengan dia.
by I Gusti Nyoman Sudiarta From Bali

Terima kasih atas bantuan dan kerjasama yang baik selama 2 tahun ini, menurut saya ibu Meli merupakan agent yang professional & bertanggung jawab kepada client. Thank you.
by Wayan Suartama From Bali
We appreciate and like for your service in rental a motorbikes from you , also been helping us to find the first villa. You are really a good person and professional.
by Said From Morroco

I highly recommend Meli Zhang's services. She helped me to find the perfect house and made all the necessary arrangements so it was a very easy, smooth process. She is polite and friendly and it was a pleasure to use her services ^^
by Nicola From Godalming, United Kingdom

Saya senang bisa bertemu dengan Meli & menjalin hubungan kerjasama bahkan saya dan dia sekarang menjadi teman dekat. Meli itu dimata saya orangnya baik, solidaritas tinggi sesama teman, tepat waktu, cekatan, jujur, bisa dipercaya, pekerja keras, cerdas, sensitive & tegas. Saya akan terus menggunakan jasanya karena saya tidak ragu dengan kemampuannya.
by A. Agung Mirah From Bali

I know Meli for over a year and she was great with us. Reliable and trustworthy, attentive our needs with punctual manner. It's quite rare to find an agent that you can rely on. We are very happy to have her as our agent.
by Ori From Deutsch

Nama saya I Nyoman Rasmun, saya ucapkan terima kasih kepada adik Meli, sehingga rumah saya sudah laku , sebelumnya saya tidak pernah pakai agent saya kesulitan mencari penyewa untuk rumah saya. Saya senang bertemu dengan adik Meli dia orangnya baik. Sekali lagi saya suksema. Dumogi adik Meli selamat dan sehat selalu. Untuk selanjutnya saya akan terus memakai adik Meli dan bersedia menjalani kerjasama sesuai dengan isi perjanjian kita.
by I Nyoman Rasmun From Bali
Saya ada rumah kecil yang lokasinya tidak terlalu cocok untuk bule dan model rumahnya juga bukan selera bule. Tapi saya kenal dengan mbak Meli, dia baik orangnya dan bisa pasarkan. Saya salut dengan kegigihannya selama kurun waktu yang agak lama 6 bulan, sampai akhirnya rumah saya di kontrak untuk jangka waktu yang cukup lama 18 tahun & tamunya cukup baik. Terima kasih mbak Meli untuk kerjasamanya.
by I Wayan Jinah From Bali

Saya merasakan kerjasama yang baik antara pemilik dan agent. Penilaian yang bisa saya berikan kepada mba Meli, orangnya ramah, cepat dalam memberikan service & merespond, dan sopan orangnya. Semoga kerjasama kita bisa berlanjut terus, karena semua pelayanan yang diberikan saya merasa puas. Thanks.
by I Nyoman Sutayana From Bali
Zehava service is really good, very helpful, great communication and is an easy transaction. Thank you.
by Elly Brown & Steve From Australia

Kesan saya mengenai mba Meli : 1. Orangnya cantik 2. Flexible mudah diajak komunikasi 3. Ramah, luwes, jujur dan apa adanya 4. Jarang marah walaupun dipancing 5. Suka menjelaskan permasalahan secara detail agar sampai mengerti kepada orang yang bersangkutan. Pesan saya : Sudah baik semua tinggal dilanjutkan, terima kasih. . . Owner Villa, I Made Sudirta
by I Made Sudirta From Bali

I would like to express my gratitude to Ibu Meli. She's really professional when handled my reservation, she also very cooperative with great attitude. I thank you for everything Ibu Meli, keep on doing great job. Stay safe and healthy.
by Rispan From Bandung
Kita senang bekerjasama dengan Zehava, sejak awal memasarkan Villa kita untuk disewakan hingga close deal. Catatan kita : 1.) You are tough enough to market until close the deal , 2.) Very Persistence in principal , 3.) Keep to improve work performance. Overall we are impressed with your cooperation and may us get another deal soon.
by PT. Mitra International From Jakarta - Switzerland

Bentuk kerjasama dengan saudari Meli selama ini sangat baik semua terjalin dengan keterbukaan dan kekeluargaan. Semoga hubungan seterusnya berjalan dengan baik dan apa yang dicita-citakan lekas tercapai, serta sukses, sehat dan berbahagia.
by Ibu Agung & Bapak Agung Adnyana From Bali
Memakai jasa agent Zehava, cara penyampaian, penjelasan baik sehingga kami jelas dan cukup puas. Dan mau membantu kami dalam pemasangan internet dimana saya sibuk dengan pekerjaan.
by Suhartini From Jakarta

Hi Meli, thank you for waiting for quite a while for my feedback. First of all I want to thank you personally for your time, effort and energy. I know it took you quite a while to get everything done and a lot of energy and iterations of the contract. If you have two parties that want to negotiate and you are in the middle, well you know what will happen. You have to handle 2 times the communication and effort to balance everything. From that perspective I think you did an amazing job. If I can give you some feedback during the process, is that I would recommend you to take a bit more emotion out of the process. I know the process can be very hectic and even in a situation where maybe the owners are not completely honest to each other should make sure you keep your head cool. Even when you think that if the customer thinks you maybe cheat on them with money. In your position I would never call these words and just explain them this is the process and this is how it is. Overall we are very happy that you even guided the tukang and that you were always available even in the late night. It showed you really care and wanted to make this succeed. So once again thank you Meli for your help, I hope business will be good for you and the future. Best Regards, Jan | Itsavirus
by Jan | Itsavirus From Netherlands
In the month of July we were looking for a new villa. After getting in contact with Meli she helped us out tremendously in the process. Meli always made sure she had a neutral position during the negotiations with the landlord and guided the workers during repairs of the villa. We can't say thank you enough for your time and effort. We can recommend Meli for sure. [ Jan & Jochem ]
by PT. Melalie Indonesia Permai From Netherlands

It was my pleasure working with Meli. She is one of the most experienced and easy going real estate realtors I've met in Bali. She helped us to get rental property that fits all our needs. It was always super easy to book an appointment, and meet property owners when you have Meli supporting you.
by Lyana From Canada

Untuk Meli terimakasih atas kerjasamanya. Dimana marketing anda bagus, dan bisa menjadi penengah yang baik antara pemilik dan penyewa, dan anda tidak memihak salah satu pihak. Semoga kerjasama kita kedepannya tetap berjalan baik.
by Bapak & Ibu Agung Saputra From Bali

I highly recommend Meli and Zehava Bali Enterprise - She is the best property agent I have discovered in Bali. From start to finish Meli was very attentive, professional and efficient. She helped with all of our questions and concerns and made us feel very safe about the transaction. Meli went out of her way to help us with every additional aspect of renting our villa, giving us advice and guidance when we were unsure of what to do. I will definitely use Meli again in the future and would recommend her to anybody looking for a villa in Bali. 5 stars! Thank you for all of your help Meli!
by Marie From United Kingdom

Dear Zehava, Saya ucapkan terimakasih kepada ibu Meli atas bantuannya memasarkan villa saya yang diperjuangkan / dipasarkan sejak Januari - Maret, bersyukur bisa laku dengan harga sesuai dengan harapan saya dengan jangka waktu lama. Tidak lupa juga saya ucapkan maaf yang sebesar-besarnya, atas kekurangan dan kesalahan saya jika ada selama ini.
by Drs. Putu Gede Suadnya From Bali
Hey.. using Zehava looking the house for us very helpful and for the service all good.
by Chantal From Germany
Canggu Bali, 16/04/2021, Moving your entire life between two continents during a global pandemic is harder than one can expect. I want to express how positive and smooth the whole process went, thanks to Meli. She went above and beyond to help us with the long-term rental agreement we signed last month with my fiance. It was such a comfort to know she was always on top of everything, so we could focus on settling down in Bali. Plus, Meli was very responsive regardless of the time we bombarded her with the technical questions. She made the whole process very transparent and helped with the translations anytime we needed a hand. Having her as a trustworthy and reliable party was a relief on many levels. I would definitely work with her again in the future.
by Jakub Bogdanski & Madgalena From Poland

Terima kasih sekali atas kerjasama dengan Zehava untuk memasarkan rumah kita sangat membantu sekali di masa covid ini susah untuk mencari penyewa, karena sebelum bertemu Zehava sudah 1 tahun rumah kita belum laku tersewa. Dan terima kasih telah memberikan masukan kepada kita apa saja yang harus dilakukan dalam merenovasi rumah sehingga rumah kita terlihat lebih baik dari sebelumnya. Kita sangat puas sekali dan senang atas jasa yang diberikan dan semuanya transparan.
by Bapak & Ibu Made Arsana From Bali
Terima kasih Zehava Enterprise udah membantu kita untuk cari tanah di Bali. Recommended banget yah! Lokasi strategis, harga cocok dan boleh dibilang dibawah pasaran! Kalo ada yang tertarik cari property di Bali bisa kontak langsung Meli. Good luck and success always Zehava Enterprise.
by David Sugiyarto & Family From Bandung
I'm very pleased with Zehava services. Meli was very helpful and she always answered on time. I highly recommend using her services.
by Irene Yael From Argentina

Pelayanan Meli dari agent Zehava Bali Enterprise sangat baik dan ramah. Saya merasa puas dengan pelayanan yang diberikan. Terimah kasih saya ucapkan rumah saya laku tersewakan dalam kurun waktu yang lama dalam situasi covid. Semoga untuk kedepannya kita bisa tetap kerja sama yang baik dan saling menguntungkan.
by Ni Made Suryantini From Bali

We rented a Villa with Meli, Zehava agent. She is awesome, she help me to arrange the contract and meetings with the owner of property. I highly recommend her. Definitely I will use them again!
by Rodrigo & Tatiana From Argentina & Russia

Menggunakan jasa pelayanan Zehava Property selama 3 tahun terjalin bagus, care sama rumah saya dan tetap komunikasi terjalin dengan baik hingga sampai saat ini. Semoga tetap kerjasama kedepannya terjalin dengan baik.
by Ibu & bapak Kadek July From Bali

Pelayanan agent Zehava Property sangat bagus dan ramah. Terima kasih rumah saya laku tersewa dalam waktu yang cukup lama.
by Gusti Ayu Miranti From Bali

Pelayanan Agent Zehava ramah, sopan, sabar, on-time, tegas dan caranya menghandle tamu bagus, pokoknya cara dia menjelaskan semuanya ke tamu ataupun ke owner tegas dan jelas. Skor dari kita : 100
by Ni Wayan Swarningsih & Family From Bali

Pelayanan agent Zehava bagus dan villanya laku jangka panjang seperti yang diharapkan. Semoga kerjasamanya tetap berjalan baik & harmonis untuk kedepannya.
by I Made Sukadana & Family From Bali

Meli is young and energic woman, as an agency of my villa, she doing extremely a good job with her positive attitude and always smile on her face. She always find the way to promote my villa.. keep the good work Meli, thank you for your good work, well done. "Kadek"
by Kadek Sudrawan From Bali

Working with Meli was very good experience for my rental property. She was very helpful and honest. The contract procedure was very clear and she helped with negotiations between me and the landlord of the property.
by Brian From New Jersey, USA
Selama 3 tahun kita memakai jasa agent Zehava, yang kita rasakan pelayanan yang diberikan sangat baik, dapat dipercaya dan ramah, selalu on time dalam pertemuan dan dalam penanganan jika ada masalah bagus.
by Anastasia & Ady From Ukraine - Medan

This agency are the best in Bali very very good price for amazing villa. The services of the agent are 10000% perfect. Thank you Zehava.
by Adrien From France
Thank you so much Meli for helping us to find our first home together. She was so quick and easy communicate with, she was professional at all times and everything was so smooth. She also gave great recommendations for local suppliers also. We really love our new home so much, thank you for all your help!
by Ebie & Rianna From Jakarta - United Kingdom

Saya selaku owner Villa yang ada di daerah tumbak bayuh, pertama-tama saya ingin mengucapkan terimakasih banyak atas bantuannya karena telah membantu untuk memasarkan Villa saya sampai laku untuk disewakan. Saya sangat senang kerjasama karena mbak Meli kerjanya sangat professional dan sangat baik. Sekali lagi terima kasih banyak atas kerjasamanya. Mudah-mudahan bisa kerjasama lagi untuk kedepannya.
by Nyoman Suarjana Atmaja From Bali

Meli was my agent when it came to looking for a villa here in Bali. She was always on time and thorough when going to inspections. Eventually I found a suitable villa through her and she was very responsive and reliable when I had questions and queries which made transitioning to my new place easy. I highly recommend using her services and I wouldn't hesitate to use her again in the future.
by William From Australia

Meli.. I am very grateful to you for your work, with your help we find our best home, which meets all my wishes. It is very valuable that you helped and supported me at all stages of choosing a house and completing a contract.
by Maya From Russia
" I am happy to testify to anyone that Meli from Zehava Bali Entreprise is not only a great person but also truly very professional in her business, honest, with high integrity and work ethic. I have been dealing with her now for more than 1 year and Meli took care of many complex problems I had with my villa rental. She took matters in her hands directly, as if the villa was hers. She is an incredibly sharp lady, very precise, knows her market, has excellent ideas and does great reporting. She makes everything smooth. Meli has a very friendly personality and does not spare time to try to help and goes beyond what is asked of her as she truly wants to be of service and create a relationship with her customers. I can highly recommend Meli to anyone who wants to deal in any aspect of real estate in Bali. It is a pleasure to keep working with her. Francois, Swiss national in Dubai. "
by Francois From Switzerland

Selama menggunakan jasa pelayanan Zehava, untuk servicenya bagus, jujur, apa adanya dan selalu tepat waktu. Semoga tetap baek kerjasama untuk kedepannya.
by Made Nuriasih From Bali

Zehava Bali Enterprise assisted with my villa and land purchase in Canggu in January 2022. I used Meli to help negotiate with the land owner and as I was based in Australia and unable to travel at the time. Meli was professional, organized and transparent across the entire process and I highly recommend as an agent for anyone looking for lease / purchase land in Bali.
by Skye Graham From Australia
Property agent was very responsive and punctual for our appointment
by Kimberly Morrison From USA

Property agent was very responsive and punctual for our appointment
by Kimberly Morrison From USA

Pelayanan service yang diberikan bagus, cepat dapat tamu, dan selalu mengutamakan pelayanan yang baik ke tamu, komunikasinya bagus, dan bisa menjadi mediator yang bagus antara pemilik dan penyewa. Terima kasih atas kerjasamanya selama ini dan sudah memberikan tamu ke saya 🙂
by Putu Suastika From Bali